This is a place where all the people from the Land of Wonderful get to talk for themselvs. Who are they? Characters from the book series Tales From The Throne.

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

From Keaton

Hello. Um, I don't feel very good about "blogging". My first time really, but the Princess makes such a big deal about it that I thought I'd give it a try. Even Winifred wrote a post. She's nice. I like her. I was just talking to Raman about her the other day. Raman suggested that I take Winifred to the ball. The ball! Where there's dancing! I thought he was joking at first. Then I thought he was crazy. But he was serious. I mean, me? Dancing? Can you see that? What my brothers wouldn't give to see that. I rather face a troll. But Winifred... Hmm. I have to think about this. Maybe there's a way to go but not dance? Is that fair? I'll ask Raman.

I do like it here at the castle. I mean, I miss my family and all. I got to go home not long ago and visit everyone. You should have seen everyone all excited. It was like the Great King Himself came to visit. I guess no one from the castle ever goes to our village so you can see why they'd be excited. The hard part was explaining that I don't go around sword fighting or anything. The boys were pretty disappointed to hear that. But everyone was interested to know what I mean by being a king's guard. I told them that the Princess wrote a book called The King's Guard and it was all about me. I'm not sure they really believed me. I mean, I can understand. Coming from our little village and all. I told them I would give them copies so they could see for themselves. Still, my father was very proud of me. That made me feel good. It was hard to leave, but I'm glad to be back. There's always a lot going on at the castle. Lots to keep busy with. Whoop! Little ones want me to play so I'd better go. We'll see about that ball...


Anonymous said...

Just coming over to say hi. i befriended the princess a while back. im glad to see some of her other friends have joined the club. as for the dancing you not want to becuz you cant? or becuz these parties always have crappy music? what kind of stuff goes at balls anyway?

Diana Symons said...
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Diana Symons said...

Hi Draven,

Nice to meet you. You're into the "blogging" thing too? I'm just getting my feet wet, so to speak. The Princess is really the one who knows about this stuff.

Yeah, the ball is making me nervous. It's the dancing! I grew up on a farm. We had country dances. We didn't have "balls"! Who knows what you're supposed to do at these things! And then there's Winifred... I don't know. Drave, what do I do?

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