This is a place where all the people from the Land of Wonderful get to talk for themselvs. Who are they? Characters from the book series Tales From The Throne.

To learn more about the books, go to:

Sunday, April 27, 2008

From Winifred

Wha-how! The ball! I went to a ball. I never in my whole life thought I would go to a ball. It was big and loud and beautiful. You should have seen the gowns that the girls wore. Soooo gorgeous! I was a little embarrassed by my dress, even though it was the best one I own. But I wasn't out in front of everyone either. I pretty much stayed to the side, and watched Keaton. He finally came over and talked to me. He was so shy. It was cute. Then he asked me to dance. I was hoping that he would, but terrified too. I mean, I don't dance! I didn't take dancing lessons the same time the Princess did. I could tell that Keaton was scared to ask, probably for the same reason, but he did and I had to say yes. So we gave it a try. We kind of stay out in the hallway where we could hear the music, but be out of the way. We didn't dance very well, but it was...amazing. He's so handsome and way more charming than those princes and royal suitors that crowded around the Princess. She's going to have to tell me what happened when she disappeared for a while. She looked pretty upset when she came back. I guess she'll have to tell her own story.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

From the Princess

The ball is tomorrow night! Everyone is so excited. I had new shoes made. The cobbler drew a form of my foot and kept teasing me about Cinderella and making my shoes in glass. Can you imagine a glass shoe! First of all - well, no. It just doesn't deserve consideration. I did, however, get gorgeous shoes! Very sparkly. I know that a lady isn't supposed to be showing off her feet, but if it happened that during a dance my skirt swirled just a little bit, then my very pretty sparkly shoes would be - very sparkly and pretty!

I am watching Keaton and Winifred. They are pretending not to care if the other one is going to the ball or not. I may need to help them out. Must come up with a sneaky way to get them together so they'll have a good time. They don't think I know! Silly things.

And then there's my Father who let slip that Prince Taylon is coming. I remember playing with him when they visited a long time ago. I wonder what he looks like now....Hmmm.